Pauline Johnson Playschool introduces children to the concepts of:
ART: from primitive art to Michelangelo, first nations art, Emily Carr, Picasso' and more.
MUSIC: we explore music through singing songs, finger plays, group games and rhythms. We have Kerry, our music teacher, once a week for our senior preschoolers.
SCIENCE: observation skills, problem-solving, experimenting, discovering, sequencing, sorting and classifying, one-to-one matching, and becoming aware of cause and effect relationships.
LANGUAGE: French and sign language. We explore the alphabet and math concepts in a fun and age appropriate manner.
The curriculum is based on weekly themes that integrate learning activities to prepare children for kindergarten. Our themes include Dinosaurs, Space, Colors, Famous Artists, Under the Sea, Friendship, All about Me, Feelings, Seasons and more.
We celebrate many multicultural festivals
that bring diverse languages, customs and songs into our curriculum. |